Estrogen in the O.R.

Friday, February 24, 2006

house guests

I am awful at updating this. Unfortunately, I tend to think of it primarily when I am bored, and that has not happened with the frequency I anticipated when I started it in January. I did have a fun evening - so I'll tell you about it. My roommate had friends come visit - a guy she knows from highschool and 2 of his friends. I'd give you details, but suffice it to say, they were a rather fun group, and my usually mundane Thursday night became much more interesting. I appreciate men who are thoughtful and who are passionate about something. And, we went the station inn and heard some rockin' blue grass music. That is hard to beat.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

other mysteries

So, my roommate thinks I'm crazy to disparage the concept of being "in love," and that to marry sans that sensation is, well, frankly wrong. It does a disservice to the person you marry. I guess I get that - I wouldn't want someone to marry me if they were not excited about me. But people do it all the time, in India, for example, and their marriages are far more successful than ours. Are they happier marriages? I don't know. How may Cleaver couples do you know?
I watched "Cinderella Man" today. They acted like they loved each other. But then that's hollywood for you.
Do I want to feel "in love?" Sure. I just don't trust the feeling - it creates expectations and disappointments and may carry nothing substantial to back up it's promises. That's my 2 cents for today. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2006

poor form

I have not been good at blogging. I'd tell you why, but I feel it may be incriminating. I waver between wanting to process all my ponderous thoughts and being afraid of who may read it later. Let's leave it at this: I am currently considering that the American/Western version of personal satisfaction as found in "true love" with another person is really a lot of crock. Why? 1. no human can make us complete 2. our emotional/hormonal response to a person can make us *feel* like they are completing us for a temporary period, but then one day we wake up and realize that their feet stink and that really annoys us. It's all based on a lie and an illusion. The question, then, is why get married? And what should we (more the point, I) be looking for in a mate?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

This is my nephew, Michael. He has masted his "camera smile." He really likes his John Deere gear as well.

My parent's and Michael. Ahh.

Elephants. I like to think I was in Africa again. Nope. Just at the zoo. But aren't they cool?!