Estrogen in the O.R.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

other mysteries

So, my roommate thinks I'm crazy to disparage the concept of being "in love," and that to marry sans that sensation is, well, frankly wrong. It does a disservice to the person you marry. I guess I get that - I wouldn't want someone to marry me if they were not excited about me. But people do it all the time, in India, for example, and their marriages are far more successful than ours. Are they happier marriages? I don't know. How may Cleaver couples do you know?
I watched "Cinderella Man" today. They acted like they loved each other. But then that's hollywood for you.
Do I want to feel "in love?" Sure. I just don't trust the feeling - it creates expectations and disappointments and may carry nothing substantial to back up it's promises. That's my 2 cents for today. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow.


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