Estrogen in the O.R.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I'm not going. My friend Hannah is. She is almost a doctor and will be providing medical care for folks in areas up in the mountains. Very remote. No electricity. She's tough.
So, I was reading about Bangladesh in order to help myself vicariously engage in the journey. Did you know that Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world, and 85% of the popluation is NOT in urban centers! And the political unrest they've experienced since 1971 when they separated from Pakistan is pretty unnerving. She's a brave girl.
So then I thought, maybe I should go there, too, someday! I wonder if they speak mandarin. Yeah. I doubt it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Urology ... at the VA. You can imagine what that means for my subject matter.
I removed a testicle today. What a life!

And now I need to study - big test at the end of the month.
Sometimes it feels like it never stops - some reason to be very busy and not have time to just rest. And I ask myself "why am I doing this?" Is operating really that cool? Is it worth it? These are prime years. I guess I could be grinding flour with a mortor and pestle all day long in subsaharan africa, bearing children, wearing my body out before I turn 30 just from the shear exhaustion of daily life. Life is always hard. And if it isn't, we find ways in which it feels like it is.

So, yeah, I've got it made.

I have a new condo! I really like it. And I got a new roommate yesterday.

See, I can't complain. I may be working a lot, but I'm living the dream. Even on my relatively small salary, I am very comfortable and am not at all in danger of going hungry. Not much to complain about really.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas.
Guess what I learned! Even Walmart and McDonalds are closed on Christmas. I was on call, but got 1/2 hour to leave the hospital, during which I went on a search for food. First, Kroger was closed, then subway, so I headed for walmart. There were security guards at the door! And McDonalds ... nothing. Guess what I had for Christmas dinner? A slim jim, chips, and a nutty buddy. The gas station was open.

Pitiful, huh? It's ok. I got a greek dinner later that night at my friend Karen's house. Very fun. I got olives, feta, and spinakopa.

And now I'm home and my mother is feeding me. A good thing. It seems I didn't eat enough this past month. I practically shrivelling up to nothing. : ) (...right!)

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I should be sleeping. I have to wake up in 5 hours. I'm doing brain surgery this month - how cool is that? It's kind of fun, but it would be better if I were studying more.
Also cool that I signed a contract on a condo last week. Yay! It's on Boone Lake, which is gorgeous in the summer and empty in the winter. but you should visit anyway.
I think I made a new friend today. also yay! can't complain - life is good. now to sleep.

deep thoughts: heard a sermon on what it means to "take God's name in vain." The guy suggested that it means to assign things to God that are not his doing at all - like some sin or some extra law/regulation that are really all in our ball park. He recommended that we be honest with ourselves and admit when the things we do have nothing to do with God, because than God has the space to change us. Interesting, huh? I liked it - a new insight and something to ponder.

Monday, October 23, 2006

all quiet on the western (southern?) front

there are times when I don't feel like writing here. why not? not sure - it's not because I'm too busy, really, though I guess I'm always sort of on the go. Sometimes it's just because I'm feeling a bit morose, and my chipper witticisms are not forthcoming. And then I think, maybe I should have to some deep thoughts to express to the world... But I don't have any great ones. It's weird how we're made - us humans - to need relationships. My roommate thinks I'm on the phone all the time. My last roommate said the same thing. They may be right- I'm not nearly as good at quietness as I used to be. Is that less spiritual? Am I trying to fill my spiritual tank with people time? I think in large part that's what my tank needs, but I also know it needs more than that - like relating to God is real and I need to make space for it. I wish it were easy - like I just felt joyful every morning when I awoke. That's what heaven's for, I guess. : )

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

home again!

So - the roadtrip was a success. I got to see crowlo, her babies and hubby, and a plethora of precious people in D.C. I also almost got a date in D.C., while killing time in a starbucks. A couple of guys were sitting outside at a table directly across the glass wall from the table where I was sitting, and they started a conversation by writing on a napkin and putting it against the window! I thought it was cute. I'm a sucker. I also felt like since I didn't live there, there would be no harm in playing along. so, fellows, keep this in mind next time you see a cute chick at starbucks. : ) (caveat: I'm not claiming to be a cute chick, but these guys must have thought I looked interesting enough to converse with by napkin.)

That was NOT the highlight. the highlights were hanging out with babies (3 altogether), sleeping every night for almost as long as I wanted, and discovering who my friends have become. Crowlo is a veritable artsy crafsty mommy instructor person. And the D.C. family - amazing! From college sweethearts to mom and dad with a pumpkin for a son. The single folks I saw - you were equally valuable to my heart...and refreshing. Makes me remember I'm not behind - it's just that the "married with babies" folks are ahead. : )

Buying a condo. I'm going to do it. I shall live like a pauper for a little while, but I own a fold out couch in addition to my bed, so do not hesitate to visit!!!

I don't own much else. I'm ok with that.

cheers! E

Monday, October 09, 2006


I'm going on one. Starting now. Destinations: Binghamton, NY (to see CGR) and D.C. (to see 5 fabulous folks - one new folk. Born in July). I'll keep you updated, or give you a whirlwind synopsis when it's all over.

btw, it is gorgeous here! The leaves are starting the change, and it's absolutely breathtaking just driving home from work. I'm a fortunate gal. Feel free to visit.