Estrogen in the O.R.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Three dogs and a cat

The dogs are gone, which is kind of nice, but Jill is gone, too, which is a bummer. Jill is quite a lot of fun.

I was reading over my previous tirades and wanted to make an addendum: Some male surgeons can be jerks - for sure. But, women surgeons can be equally hard to work with in a different way. So, I will try to omit gender bias and simply recognize that some people make life more difficult, and occasionally it appears to be generated from a gender specific perspective.

Only one more week of night float...
The irony is that this month has been rather fortuitous for my social life rather than detrimental. Maybe it's just that men are more willing to ask for contact information between the hours of midnight at 6am. Maybe. Disinhibition or something.

There's a place in JC called the Electric Cowboy. There's a mechanical bull you can ride. I may swing by tomorrow evening. I'll let you know if I manage to stay on the bull.

Judith, morgen werde ich zeit haben, wenn du mochtest mich anzurufen.


  • At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What happened with the mechanical bull? Can you add rodeo rider to your impressive list of skills?


  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger libby said…

    Well...I didn't make it to the bull. The 23 year olds I was hanging out with (another story) stayed at the dinner place longer than expected and I had to turn in early since I needed to work at 7am on Sunday. alas. Another time.


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